POR Mia M., Valentin P. and Natalia Putrino

An unforgettable meeting with Dr. Karl-Heinz Bomberg

Last Thursday, 22 August, at 10.30 a.m. a meeting with Dr. Karl-Heinz Bomberg took place in the Secondary School’s Auditorium. This project was carried out in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Katrin Möbius (DFU Coordination) was responsible for the project, together with a group of students: Alexander W., Malena M., Venezia H., Tomas H., Camila L., Micaela V., Juan Manuel D. and Mark H.
The pupils prepared presentations on everyday life in the socialist dictatorship and the work of the State Security, the secret police that monitored the people. They introduced the class to the topic and accompanied the contemporary witness through a panel discussion with the class.

Within the framework of the learning process of article writing, its characteristics and specificities, students Mia M. and Valentin P. of 5B have written about this exceptional gathering.

Special thanks to Dr. Bomberg for his memorable visit and to Prof. Katrin Möbius for the organisation of this event.

Is Our Society Truly Fair? : article by Mia M. and Valentin P.

In society, we all desire justice, fairness and equality, but this is a mere fantasy. In reality, we are
more often than not faced with cruelty, coercion and malice. To understand a little bit of the world we
live in, the story of Karl-Heinz Bomberg can give us a closer look.

Bomberg, who was born in East Germany in 1955 started school in Thüringen in 1962. He graduated
from medicine and used music as a way to communicate subjects that the Soviet Union despised.
Later on, he was imprisoned in 1984 due to sharing his values and ideals, which opposed Lenin’s
directly. After being released, he didn’t back up. How could he? On the contrary, he once again began
to fight the corrupt Soviet system with the utmost perseverance. And after years of peaceful protests
and an uprising by the German people, they were able to force the takedown of the Wall that had
isolated them for years, even decades. This meant the beginning of the end for the Soviet Union, and
its regime in East Germany.

Although the East Germans were finally free, difficult times were headed their way. Not only the
economy was destroyed, but people were devastated. Many had lost their mothers, fathers, siblings,
relatives and friends. The earlier years’ traumas still lived within them. Bomberg once again decided
to support his people by providing them with psychological support.

To conclude, each of us should learn from Bomberg, that even if the times we live in aren’t perfect,
which they’ll never be, we always have a way to help others take another step. It may not make a
gigantic difference, but it will definitely take our society closer to being fair, just and equal.